How much is a oz of promethazine with codeine yahoo

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How much is a oz of promethazine with codeine yahoo
I Got A Bottle Of Promethazine/Codeine.How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&A
How much codine and promethazine do you.
28.12.2009 · someone I know has taken 5 oz and intends on taking another 3 oz through out the evening. Is this going to end fatal or should he be fine, it's been about
Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free. Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free.
Promethazine With Codeine For $$$.flv.
Purple drank is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the hip hop community in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas. Its main
Sippin on syrup, lean, purple drank – whatever you call it, drinking codeine and promethazine containing cough syrup will get you high, but it's also dangerous and
Бефстроганов, Seared Sirloin Steaks, cubed and simmered with mushrooms, onions, garlic, with a mix of flavors and spices, all loaded in a black
Codeine or 3-methylmorphine (a natural isomer of methylated morphine) is an opiate used for its analgesic, antitussive, antidiarrheal, antihypertensive, antianxiety
I Got A Bottle Of Promethazine/Codeine.
How much is a oz of promethazine with codeine yahoo
Codeine - Wikipedia, the free.
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28.01.2010 · Best Answer: how old are you??? its more likely to knock you out then make you high. you can look it up on here…
Purple Drank generally consists of about 2 fluid oz. of promethazine/codeine cough syrup and 8 or more oz. of lemon-lime soda. Any comments?